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The automation revolution is no less than the industrial revolution
Date:2024-01-16   Page View:1477

Whether the mass use of robots will have a negative impact on employment is a new concern as automation becomes more widespread, but there is no denying that in their view, the current automation technology is comparable to the agricultural technology revolution of the last century.

Faced with a menacing army of robots, will our hands be replaced by industrial robotic arms?

"Don't just see robots rob people's jobs, don't forget that it will breed new positions, such as robot production and development personnel, maintenance engineers... Far from disrespecting technology and labor, the demand for technology will be higher." Chen Song said. From the data of the United States alone, the heavy use of robots does have a certain negative impact on employment, but it does not seem to be so applicable to Germany, the world's most famous manufacturing country.

The International Federation of Robotics recently released a new study titled "Industrial Robots with a Positive Impact on Employment," which found that industrial robots will create more than 2 million jobs in the next eight years. Productivity and competitiveness are indispensable factors for manufacturing companies to succeed in the global market, and robotics and automation are the key to solving the problem. Some workloads have been reduced due to robotics and automation, but they have also created more jobs. When industrial robots are used in large numbers, the daily maintenance and repair of robot production lines require professionals from all aspects to deal with them, which virtually drives a large number of robot-related employment avenues.

In their view, today's automation technology is comparable to the agricultural technology revolution of the last century, which reduced agricultural employment in the United States from 40 percent of the population to 2 percent today. At its peak, about a third of Americans worked in manufacturing, compared with less than 10 percent now. If machines can compress half of the human labor force, perhaps that half of the labor force will not become surplus, but reduce the working time by half.

In "I, Robot," detective Spooner, who has always been hostile to robots, can only fight robots with a metal arm, while in "The Matrix," Neo can only transform into a super to defeat Smith. Even the NS5 model robot, which produces emotions and dreams, is controlled by a computer program and then recycled, silent and waiting for a thorough cleaning and rebirth. There is endless power flowing beneath the metal body, and the struggle between humans and robots has only just begun.

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